College Students Become Identity Theft Targets

When it comes to identity theft, no one is immune – not even broke college students. According to a new study conducted by Javelin Strategy and Research, college students comprise a high-risk population for identity theft.

The latest study showed that more than 11 million people’s identities were stolen during 2009. Of these, young adults took the longest to notice the unauthorized charges, leading to the highest loss rate. As a result of identity theft, college-aged victims lost an average of $1,100 each.

Perhaps surprisingly, the thieves are often someone the students know, even their own roommates and friends. According to Tom Bartholomy, President of the Better Business Bureau, “The highest incidents of identity theft are from people you know;” not the stereotypical thief hacking into a computer or going through your trash for your personal data, but someone in a position to know the information.