Don’t Fall for the “Dislike” Button Phishing Scam on Facebook

Over the past few years, many Facebook users have led the call for a “Dislike” companion to the “Like” button. In the past month, it seemed that Facebook finally took notice, introducing a “Dislike” button for the site’s users to express their disapproval of a photo or comment. Be forewarned, however – enterprising thieves have capitalized on Facebook users’ desire for this button, and the link is nothing but an elaborate scam.

The Better Business Bureau recently published a warning against this inventive ‘phishing’ scam. You may see it making the rounds via status updates or links posted by friends. Scammers are spreading the word that a new “dislike” button is available for download. Ignore any button that offers “The Official Dislike Button.” If you click, the link will install malware or spyware on your computer. This program enables the scammers to gather your personal information and even steal your identity.

For now, Facebook does not have a “dislike” button- and these scam messages do not change that fact. Facebook is keeping things positive – you can still only “Like” things. And isn’t that better? We don’t need the negativity of a “dislike” button, and we definitely don’t need a phishing scam.