Iris Scanning Technology Introduced in Mexico; Will The U.S. Be Next?

Those concerned about their security often envision a central computer tracking their every movement. As it turns out, such technology might not actually be far off! According to USA Today, one of Mexico’s largest cities has begun implementing iris scanning technology to track its residents.

Leon, with a population of more than one million, intends to become the ““most secure city in the world” thanks to this technology. During the first phase, the scanners are being installed at security checkpoints. They will also be used by law enforcement, though the details are still in the works. Eventually, there are plans for these devices to be installed in shopping malls, medical centers, mass transit hubs, and banks.

According to the company behind this revolutionary iris scanning technology, Global Rainmakers, these iris scanners have the capability of discerning identities even when the people are in motion or standing at a great distance from the scanners. Your irises may become a unique key tied to your identity– those with the scanners may be able to gain access to your personal information, including medical records. According to Jeff Carter, Global Rainmakers CDO, “in the future, whether it’s entering your home, opening your car, entering your workspace, getting a pharmacy prescription refilled, or having your medical records pulled up, everything will come off that unique key that is your iris.”

He envisions that every person, place, and thing on the planet will be connected to the iris system developed by Global Rainmakers in under a decade. Though there are no plans yet to install this technology in the United States, the possibility certainly exists especially with the growing problem of identity theft. We can be sure that iris scanning technology will remain a hot-button security issue for years to come!