More People Turn to Identity Theft Protection Plans

The cases of identity theft have been increasingly on the rise with more people
seeking online connectivity to socialize, do their shopping and banking, as well as
conduct many other everyday tasks. For this reason, consumers are becoming more
aware of identity theft and are taking steps to protect their identity with identity
theft protection
plans such as LifeLock and Identity Guard.

Research shows that one in twenty Americans fall victim to identity theft with an
estimated 11 million victims during the 2008-09 year. The estimated rate is higher
for the last year which is why more consumers are turning to identity theft protection
services to monitor information that is associated with their identity and to seek help
if their identity has been stolen.

The methods that criminals use to steal your identity are endless when it comes to
the Internet with new identity theft techniques coming out on a regular basis. The
most popular identity theft practice is phishing emails that request your information
and use trickery to get you to verify personal information. Although this is the most
popular way and many people are aware of the scheme, the emails keep coming
which is an indication that some people are still not aware so the scam still works.

Phishing is only one of the hundreds of ways identity thieves work so it is a good
idea to call your bank or other institution where your information is being requested
in the email to ask if in email was sent. Also, if there is ever any question in your
mind who you are speaking with on the phone or online refrain from giving out any
personal information.

If you discover that your identity has been stolen or misused in an unlawful manner,
you must spend the time to notify your financial institution to cancel all of your
accounts and go through the expense of clearing your name and your credit after
all has been said and done. Instead of having to go through all of this in addition to
the emotional stress it causes, people prefer to use identity theft protection services
such as LifeLock and Identity Guard because they find it less expensive and less stressful if they must restore their identity.

A lot of the identity theft protection services are professionally qualified to deal
with credit bureaus and other details that must be dealt with when it comes to
identity theft. They will also monitor your information and they have access to
investigators and legal counsel in the event it is required. There are many reputable
and trustworthy identity theft protection services however, make sure you do your
research to ensure you get involved with a reliable company.

You can read our detailed reviews on the top rated identity protection services here.