Massive Identity Theft Ring Case in Tyler Comes to a Close

The identity theft case in Tyler, Texas comes to a close with the sentencing of 26-year-old Brian Gee, the mastermind behind a massive identity theft ring that victimized over 50 people.

Gee was sentenced to 30 years in prison, one of the highest sentences for identity theft. According to Tyler police, Brian Gee led an elaborate identity theft ring that managed to steal sensitive information and managed to apply for loans which was then deposited into several bank accounts.

Over 50 victims had there credit damaged an unfortunately the police still are uncertain exactly how the information was stolen.

“It ended up being a pointing match between the defendants who each claim that the other had done it and no one knew where the information came from,” explains Kenneth Biggs, Smith County Assistant District Attorney.

In May 2013, a supposed ring leader, Brandon Sessions, was among the first arrested. In the days following Sessions’ arrest, 20 other people were arrested. More than a dozen of the people involved were recruited to the ring. Many of those defendants had no criminal history and made just a few hundred dollars for their involvement, but being a part of this crime is something that will stick with them and their victims forever.

The 22 people charged in the theft ring received punishments ranging from 40 years in prison to 10 years probation.